Preserving Fresh Flowers in Silica Sand

Fresh flowers are a true embodiment of nature's beauty. They bring joy, evoke emotions, and capture priceless moments. However, as much as we love them, fresh flowers have a short lifespan – they wilt, dry out, and eventually die. But what if we could extend their beauty and keep them in pristine condition for years to come? This is where preserving flowers in silica sand comes into play.

The Magic of Silica Sand

Silica sand is a special type of sand that has the ability to absorb moisture, making it an ideal medium for preserving flowers. The sand dehydrates the flowers, removing all moisture and air, resulting in a perfectly preserved bloom that looks fresh and beautiful. Personally, I have been using Wisedry silica sand for awhile now and they are by far the best!

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Preserve Flowers in Silica Sand

1. Choose Your Flowers

Select fresh flowers with sturdy petals and vibrant colors. This method works especially well with flowers that would normally dry well, such as roses, hydrangeas, and dahlias. Unfortunately in sunny and humid Singapore, no matter how ‘fresh’ the flowers are, it’s not exactly fresh even if you get them directly from the nurseries here. We just don’t have the privilege of going into a garden and snipping off fresh blooms and preserving them right away. What we get are pre-cut flowers that are stored in a cold facility.

2. Trim the Flowers

Trim the stems of the flowers and remove any excess foliage. Choose the length of the stem based on the size of the container that you are preserving your flowers in. I use a garden shear to do this since I have it but a normal scissors would do the job I guess?

3. Prepare the Container

Select a container or vase that your flowers can sit in comfortably. Make sure it has a wide enough opening to accommodate the flowers. I just use Lock & Lock containers because it’s really airtight. You can choose a deep one and have different layers for your flowers, or a wide shallow one and have your flowers in one layer.

4. Create a Layer

Fill the container with a layer of silica sand, ensuring that the layer is thick enough to accommodate the size of the flowers you wish to preserve. You can easily get different type of silica sand in the market but I would recommend something of a medium grain. Nothing too big because it might leave dents on the petals and nothing too fine that it gets everywhere, especially in your nose! Wear a mask for your safety please!

5. Place the Flowers

Gently place the de-stemmed flowers into the silica sand layer. Arrange them carefully so that they are not touching each other.

6. Cover with Silica Sand

Use a small spoon to gently pour silica sand over and around the entire flower until it is completely covered.

7. Seal and Wait

Place a lid or cover on the container and store it in a warm, dry place for several days, until the flowers are completely dried out. Different flowers have different drying duration so you will need to trial & error. I would say generally about 5-7 days and if rainy season, extend it to 10 days. How to tell if they are truly dried? The petals will be paper-like. If it’s cool and suede-ish to the touch, you should continue to let it dry in silica for a few more days. Best to check daily after 1 week!

8. Finishing Touches

Once the flowers are dried out, carefully remove them from the container and brush off any remaining sand. I don’t spray any sealer to the flowers but I make sure that they are truly truly truly and I mean TRULY dried. If they still have moisture, they will continue to rot in resin (that is if you’re putting them in resin).

Timeless Beauty

Preserving flowers in silica sand is a simple yet striking way to keep the beauty of nature alive in your home or workspace. It is a process that requires patience and care, but it is ultimately rewarding. With proper preservation and care, your preserved flowers will retain their beauty and color for years to come, serving as a daily reminder of special moments and emotions.

So, next time you receive or find a cherished bouquet of flowers, keep the magic alive by preserving them in silica sand. Let the beauty of nature stay with you always!

#PreservedInSilica #NaturePreservedForever #FlowersThatNeverWilt #preserveflowersinresin

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